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**All lab publications can be found at Inman Lab Google Scholar**

Inman, C.S., Bijanki, K.R., Bass, D.I., Gross, R.E., Hamann, S.*, Willie, J.T.* (2018). Human amygdala stimulation effects on emotion physiology and emotional experience.Neuropsychologia.

Inman, C.S.*, Manns, J.R.*, Bijanki, K.R., Bass, D.I., Hamann, S., Drane, D.L., Fasano, R., Kovach, C.K.,  Gross, R.E., , Willie, J.T. (2018). Direct Electrical Stimulation of the Amygdala Enhances Declarative Memory in Humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 115(1), 98-103.

Inman, C.S., James, G.A., Watts, K., Hamann, S. (2018). Dynamic changes in large-scale functional network organization during autobiographical memory retrieval. Neuropsychologia, 110, 208-224.

Topalovic, U., Aghajan, Z. M., Villaroman, D., Hiller, S., Christov-Moore, L., Wishard, T. J., Stangl, M., Hasulak, N. R., Inman, C., ..., Fried, I., & Suthana, N. (In Press). Wireless Programmable Recording and Stimulation of Deep Brain Activity in Freely Moving Humans.Neuron.

Hanslmayr, S., Axmacher, N., & Inman, C. S. (2019). Modulating Human Memory via Entrainment of Brain Oscillations. Trends in Neurosciences, 42(7), 485–499.

Qasim, S. E., Miller, J., Inman, C. S., Gross, R., Willie, J. T., Lega, B., … Jacobs, J. (2019). Memory retrieval modulates spatial tuning of single neurons in the human entorhinal cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 22, 2078–2086.

Riva Posse, P.*, Inman, C.S.*, Choi, K., Crowell, A., Hamann, S., Mayberg, H. (2019). Autonomic arousal elicited by subcallosal cingulate stimulation is explained by white matter connectivity.Brain Stimulation, 12(3), 743-751.

Bijanki, K.R., Manns, J.R., Inman, C.S., Choi, K.S., Harati, S, Pedersen, N.P., Drane, D., Waters, A., Fasano, R.E., Mayberg, H.S., Willie, J.T. (2019). Cingulum stimulation enhances positive affect and anxiolysis, facilitating awake craniotomy.Journal of Clinical Investigation, 129(3), 1152-1166.



Hollearn, M.K., Blanpain, L., Manns, J.R., Hamann, S.B., Bijanki, K., Gross, R.E., Drane, D., Campbell, J.M., Wahlstrom, K.L., Willie, J.T.*, Inman, C.S.* (2022, November 12-16). Direct Electrical Stimulation of the human amgdala enhances delcarative memory [Conference session]. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, United States. 

Wahlstrom, K.L., Campbell, J., Hollearn, M., Swift, J., Adamek, M., Blanpain, L., Xie, T., Brunner, P., Hamann, S., Arain, A., Eisenman, L., Manns, J., Willie, J., Inman, C.S. (2023, April 26-30).Direct electrical stimulation of the human amygdala enhances recognition memory for objects and not scenes [Conference session]. International Conference on Learning and Memory, Huntington Beach, CA, United States. 

Hollearn, M.K., Blanpain, L., Manns, J.R., Hamann, S.B., Bijanki, K., Gross, R.E., Drane, D., Campbell, J.M., Wahlstrom, K.L., Willie, J.T.*, Inman, C.S.* (2023, April 26-30). Exploring stimulation parameters and individual differences in amygdala-mediated memory modulation [Conference session]. International Conference on Learning and Memory, Huntington Beach, CA, United States. 

Campbell, J.M., Wahlstrom, K.L., Hollearn, M.K., Blanpain, L., Davis, T., Swift, J., Adamek, M., Xie, T., Brunner, P., Hamann, S.B., Arain, A., Eisenman, L., Gross, R.E., Rolston, J.D., Rahimpour, S., Manns, J.R., Willie, J.T., Inman, C.S. (2023, April 26-30). Closed-loop direct electrical stimulation to optimize amygdala-mediated memory enhancement in humans[Conference session]. International Conference on Learning and Memory, Huntington Beach, CA, United States. 

Last Updated: 8/3/23